Porcelain Veneers Melbourne

At The Smile Designer, we specialise in affordable porcelain veneers in Melbourne so as our patients, you can restore the functionality and aesthetic appeal of your teeth. Don’t let crooked, chipped, or damaged teeth stop you from showing off your smile to the world.

Affordable porcelain veneers cover imperfections while keeping your natural teeth structure. They are thin shells placed over existing teeth, providing a new surface and shape to your smile. Creating a uniform solution to your misshaped or crooked teeth is life-changing for most clients by helping boost their confidence.

The key to a successful outcome is understanding our patient’s requirements and knowing everything from each tooth’s shape, colour and size. Each should seamlessly blend in to create natural-looking facial aesthetics.

When you choose The Smile Designer for cosmetic procedures such as this, we guarantee exceptional service, state-of-the-art technology, and a dental clinic that cares about your dental health and well-being.

With years of experience in dental care, we understand how to give you a smile you will love to share. Read our blog guide for more information.

A New Smile Involves Vision & Teamwork.

Join us for a Smile Makeover Consultation at The Smile Designer Dental Studio.

Dental Veneers E-BOOK Download

*Our comprehensive ebook covers everything you need to know about the Dental Veneers procedure. Get Your Free copy Today.

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Porcelain Veneers Before And After

porcelain veneers melbourne worn down teeth

Peter’s Smile Makeover

Dental Problems:  Front tooth, uneven shape and size of teeth, irregular smile
Our Approach:  Gum lift, single dental implant and seven porcelain venners

Peter's Photo of Before and After Dental Treatment
porcelain veneers melbourne crooked teeth

Suzzanah’s Smile Makeover

Dental Problems:  Front tooth, uneven shape and size of teeth, irregular smile
Our Approach: Gum lift, single dental implant and seven porcelain venners

Suzannah's Photo of Before and After Dental Treatment

Alexandra’s Smile Makeover

Dental Problems: Front tooth, uneven shape and size of teeth, irregular smile
Our Approach: Gum lift, single dental implant and seven porcelain venners

Alexandra's Photo of Before and After Dental Treatment
porcelain veneers melbourne gappy teeth

Sahturna’s Smile Makeover

Dental Problems: Front tooth, uneven shape and size of teeth, irregular smile
Our Approach: Gum lift, single dental implant and seven porcelain venners

Sahturna's Photo of Before and After Dental Treatment
porcelain veneers melbourne old composite veneers

Kate’s Smile Makeover

Dental Problems: Front tooth, uneven shape and size of teeth, irregular smile
Our Approach: Gum lift, single dental implant and seven porcelain venners

Kate's Photo of Before and After Dental Treatment

Lina’s Smile Makeover

Dental Problems: Front tooth, uneven shape and size of teeth, irregular smile
Our Approach: Gum lift, single dental implant and seven porcelain venners

Lina's Photo of Before and After Dental Treatment
Porcelain Veneers melbourne An Uneven smile that was angulated

Michael’s Smile Makeover

Dental Problems: Front tooth, uneven shape and size of teeth, irregular smile
Our Approach: Gum lift, single dental implant and seven porcelain venners

Michael's Photo of Before and After Dental Treatment
Porcelain Veneers melbourne that were chipped and small in nature

Jack’s Smile Makeover

Dental Problems: Front tooth, uneven shape and size of teeth, irregular smile
Our Approach: Gum lift, single dental implant and seven porcelain venners

Jack's Photo of Before and After Dental Treatment
Smile Makeovers melbourne front tooth

Amanda’s Smile Makeover

Dental Problems: Front tooth, uneven shape and size of teeth, irregular smile
Our Approach: Gum lift, single dental implant and seven porcelain venners

Amanda's Photo of Before and After Dental Treatment
Porcelain Veneers melbourne eroded teeth that had irregular shapes

Carla’s Smile Makeover

Dental Problems: Front tooth, uneven shape and size of teeth, irregular smile
Our Approach: Gum lift, single dental implant and seven porcelain venners

Carla's Photo of Before and After Dental Treatment
porcelain veneers melbourne crooked and discoloured

Ida’s Smile Makeover

Dental Problems: Front tooth, uneven shape and size of teeth, irregular smile
Our Approach: Gum lift, single dental implant and seven porcelain venners

Ida's Photo of Before and After Dental Treatment
porcelain veneers melbourne bonding front teeth

Danielle’s Smile Makeover

Dental Problems: Front tooth, uneven shape and size of teeth, irregular smile
Our Approach: Gum lift, single dental implant and seven porcelain venners

Gabriella's Photo of Before and After Dental Treatment
porcelain veneers melbourne short and worn down teeth

Jake’s Smile Makeover

Dental Problems: Front tooth, uneven shape and size of teeth, irregular smile
Our Approach: Gum lift, single dental implant and seven porcelain venners

Jake's Photo of Before and After Dental Treatment
porcelain veneers melbourne composite bonding

Jaime’s Smile Makeover

Dental Problems: Front tooth, uneven shape and size of teeth, irregular smile
Our Approach: Gum lift, single dental implant and seven porcelain venners

Before & After Tooth Transformation & Treatment melbourne
Porcelain Veneers melbourne Crooked teeth

Jasvir’s Smile Makeover

Dental Problems: Front tooth, uneven shape and size of teeth, irregular smile
Our Approach: Gum lift, single dental implant and seven porcelain venners

Jasvir's Photo of Before and After Dental Treatment
porcelain veneers melbourne old composite veneers

Lucy’s Smile Makeover

Dental Problems: Front tooth, uneven shape and size of teeth, irregular smile
Our Approach: Gum lift, single dental implant and seven porcelain venners

Lucy's Photo of Before and After Dental Treatment
Porcelain Veneers melbourne Uneven Smile with excessive gum showing

Amelia’s Smile Makeover

Dental Problems: Front tooth, uneven shape and size of teeth, irregular smileOur Approach: Gum lift, single dental implant and seven porcelain venners

Amelia's Photo of Before and After Dental Treatment
porcelain veneers melbourne worn down enamel

Paul’s Smile Makeover

Dental Problems: Front tooth, uneven shape and size of teeth, irregular smileOur Approach: Gum lift, single dental implant and seven porcelain venners

Paul's Photo of Before and After Dental Treatment


Dental Veneers treatment carried out

Who Can Get Dental Veneers?

As a solution to a range of cosmetic and functional dental concerns, you can get this type of treatment to address the following issues with your teeth:

  • Chipped or broken 
  • Inconsistent gaps between
  • Crookedness
  • Heavily discoloured or stained
  • Alignment issues
  • Much more.

At The Smile Designer, we make our cosmetic thin shells using porcelain – the preferred choice for various smile issues and composite materials as an alternative. If you want a prosthetic that combines style and functionality, porcelain is the right choice.

The Many Benefits of Affordable Porcelain Veneers in Melbourne

For many, affordable porcelain veneers in Melbourne are an excellent choice for those wanting to improve their smile. Here’s why cheap porcelain veneers our Melbourne clinic don’t mean you have to sacrifice on quality:

  • Aesthetic Appeal: One of the primary reasons people choose this treatment is their lifelike appearance. They closely resemble the translucence and sheen of natural teeth, ensuring your smile looks as genuine as possible.
  • Durability: They are strong and long-lasting, often for over ten years, with proper care, making them an excellent choice.
  • Stain Resistance: Unlike natural teeth, these are resistant to staining. Common culprits like coffee, tea, red wine, and tobacco won’t discolour them.
  • Customisable: Each is tailor-made for the individual tooth, ensuring a perfect fit and a natural look. Adjustments to shape, size, and colour can match your desired outcome.
  • Minimal Tooth Alteration: They typically require less tooth reduction than crowns, meaning more of your natural tooth structure remains intact.
  • Versatility: They can address a wide range of cosmetic concerns. Whether it’s masking stains, correcting minor misalignments, closing gaps, or improving the shape of a tooth, they offer a versatile solution.
  • Quick Transformation: Typically, within three or four visits, the completion of the process is achievable. This means you can achieve a dramatically improved look relatively quickly.
  • Confidence Boost: A beautiful smile can significantly boost your self-esteem and confidence. This cosmetic procedure can provide an immediate and noticeable transformation if you feel self-conscious.

Affordable porcelain veneers in Melbourne combine both form and function. They offer a practical solution to cosmetic dental concerns while ensuring your smile remains bright, natural-looking, and beautiful. If you’re considering enhancing your smile, they are a worthy option to explore; ask us how.

Porcelain Veneers in Melbourne

Treatment for Affordable Porcelain Veneers in Melbourne

As the name suggests, porcelain is the material of choice because they are a highly durable ceramic material. They are one of the most-searched cosmetic dentistry options by people around the globe, as they can present a Hollywood-like smile.

Why Choose the Smile Designer Dental Studio?

Choosing The Smile Designer team to design your affordable porcelain Veneers in Melbourne is the best choice for a seamless look and feel. Made of ultra-thin ceramic and permanently bonded to your teeth for a more natural look, they are durable and stain resistant.

To give you the perfect smile, we collaborate with our skilled ceramists and dental technicians to ensure the final result suits you beautifully.

As one of the most popular and common dental restorative options, our team have much experience designing and implanting high-quality and affordable porcelain veneers in Melbourne to ensure optimal performance and improved aesthetic appeal.

We also stand out as the top choice due to the following reasons:

  • Expertise & experience: We boast seasoned professionals who are well-trained and have years of experience in various dental specialisations. 
  • Cutting-edge technology: We believe in providing the best for our patients. Our clinic uses the newest dental technology, so you get quick, precise, and less invasive treatments.
  • Comprehensive Care: Our team offers many services, from routine check-ups to specialised procedures like affordable porcelain veneers. No need to go elsewhere – we have all your dental needs covered.
  • Patient Comfort: All our services are with you in mind. We provide a calming environment, with our team always ready to ensure our patients feel at ease during appointments.
  • Tailored Treatments: We understand that each patient is unique. We personalise our dental solutions so you can gain optimal results and a seamless smile.
  • Affordability: Quality dental care shouldn’t break the bank. Everyone can access top-notch dental services with competitive pricing and various payment options.
  • Stellar Reviews: Don’t just take our word for it because many patients have shared their positive experiences. Their experience reflects our unwavering commitment to excellence.

The Smile Designer Studio Procedure


Tooth Preparation and Fixing in Place

As we prepare you for the procedure, our dentists will administer local anaesthesia to numb the area and trim a minor portion – usually 0.3 millimetres of width – of the frontal surface of your tooth. 

We then undertake digital scans, which we send to our team of Master Ceramists, who then prepare your very own custom porcelain shells. The timeframe usually consists of 2-3 weeks to prepare and receive the coverings at our clinic. Once these shells are designed and created, we arrange an appointment to cement them.

You will see your new look at the try-in stage, ensuring everyone is happy with the result. Cementation will only go ahead once everything is perfect.

Our next steps involve:

  • Polishing and etching your tooth surface.
  • Applying bonding gel to the dental shell.
  • Placing your new dental covering on your tooth surface.

We will check the position and use a special light beam to harden the bonding.

Costs, Consultation and Treatment Planning

Take advantage of our SMILE MAKEOVER consultations, where our cosmetic dentists will take you through the procedure with a detailed dental consultation and smile assessment. 

Once we have outlined your treatment and the costs, we will gather all the necessary information to begin the design process. It helps us understand your smile’s issues and confirm how this procedure can address your concerns. 

We will create a tailored treatment plan based on the consultation to give you the smile makeover you want. We have advanced smile designing systems and tools to help us craft the best smile for our patients.

Porcelain Veneers Cost in Melbourne, VIC

The cost of veneers in Melbourne typically ranges from $500 to $2,500 per tooth. This cost can vary based on factors such as the type of veneer, the number of veneers needed, and the dentist you choose. Composite resin veneers are generally cheaper, at around $750 per tooth, while options like acrylic or full porcelain veneers can be expensive.


At your first consultation with our team, we will review your options, costs and payment plan options. Using our collective knowledge, we assist you in reaching your goals and guaranteeing optimal results.

Once we have worked out an action plan for you, we will take clinical records and begin the digital smile process. When you visit us for your first appointment, our location is on High Street, the border of Thornbury and South Preston, a few minutes away from NorthcoteHeidelberg, Preston and Brunswick.

Once we analyse all the clinical records, photos and scans, we organise a consultation appointment to review the results and our next steps. This step gives us a clearer picture of our treatment’s effects.

Feedback from our patients at this stage allows us to make any necessary changes and continue working towards achieving a common goal. Once we have finalised our treatment process and procedures, it is time to start creating your smile!

At the third appointment, we prepare your teeth according to our pre-determined smile outcome. The amount of preparation required will depend on each case.

We ensure the fitting surface for your new affordable porcelain veneers is accurate, ensuring they’re not too bulky or out of place. Impressions and digital scans are taken and sent to our laboratory, where our master ceramists work on creating your new smile. 

Temporary shells are placed and reviewed. We make a follow-up appointment for a few days later. This is so we can check the temporaries’ shape, colour, size and contours, allowing our team to refine and adjust the shells for the best possible result.

Once the final shells are ready, we will attach them with temporary cement and review the results with you. We will cement the porcelain veneers if everyone is happy with the outcome.

Sometimes adjustments need making, which may require an additional visit. We want you to be 100% happy with the look and feel and know we have achieved your desired outcomes and goals. 

They must be reviewed over time, and regular dental hygiene visits are mandatory to maintain the look and health of both your teeth and gums. It’s with dedication that our team at The Smile Designer look after and supports our patients’ dental health. Learn more about our affordable porcelain veneers Melbourne Pricing plans and Payment options.

What to Expect After the Completion of Teeth Veneer Treatment

Though this cosmetic procedure is minimally invasive and almost painless, you may experience some teeth and gum sensitivity for a few days.

We recommend avoiding biting hard candies, ice, your nails, and anything that can put too much pressure on your teeth. It is best to avoid teeth-staining foods, even though teeth veneers are known for their excellent stain-resistance capabilities.

For more information, contact our Melbourne clinic to learn more about our teeth veneers and ask about our porcelain veneers before and after images from our satisfied clients.

Dr Dev

Dr Dev Boparoy

Dental Veneers treatment carried out

Dr Madeleine Duff

The Smile Designer Dental Studio

Smile Makeovers

FAQ’S About Porcelain Veneers

Is this procedure worth getting?

They are a great choice to improve the look of your smile and gain some added confidence because of their seamless look. Choosing this cosmetic procedure depends on your dental needs, aesthetic goals, and personal preferences. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Cosmetic Enhancement: If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your teeth due to discolouration, minor misalignment, chips, or gaps, dental veneers can provide a transformative makeover, offering a brighter, well-aligned smile.
  • Oral Health: They can protect damaged teeth from further harm. However, having healthy gums and teeth is essential before the procedure. 
  • Durability: Dental veneers, especially porcelain ones, are durable and can last many years with proper care. However, they aren’t reversible, and some removal of your natural tooth enamel is required for placement.
  • Cost: They can be an investment. You’ll want to consider their price, how long they’ll last, and any future dental treatments you may require.
  • Maintenance: While stain-resistant and durable, you’ll still need to maintain good oral hygiene, avoid biting hard objects, and have regular dental check-ups to ensure they remain in good condition.
  • Alternative Treatments: Before deciding this is the right choice for you, it’s beneficial to discuss with your dentist any alternative treatments that might suit your needs, such as bonding, crowns, or orthodontic solutions.
How much will the procedure cost?

Depending on each individual and the number of veneers required, costs can vary from $1800 to $2500 per tooth. We can discuss a smile makeover of 6 to 10 teeth with our SMILE Designer team on how we can make this more affordable for you.

Is long-term maintenance required?

Proper care ensures how long your teeth veneers last. Caring for them is like caring for your natural teeth but with a few added precautions. That means adhering to the following:

  • Daily hygiene routines
  • Six monthly maintenance visits
  • Avoiding foods that stain or are sticky
  • Not using teeth as tools
  • Protecting them during sports or if you grind your teeth.
How often do Veneers need replacing?

Like natural teeth, these shells can chip, break and crack. Regular Hygiene maintenance visits are ideal to help maintain overall dental and gum health. 

A composite bonded option will need replacing more often than porcelain ones. We advise wearing a night splint to prevent any nighttime clenching or grinding habits from damaging the delicate shells.

Do my drinking and eating habits need to change?

Like your natural teeth, you can eat and drink anything you want. You may need to get used to your new smile and bite slowly, but it will start feeling more natural with time. During one of your appointment visits, we will provide you with a complete list of Do’s and Don’ts.

Does Health Insurance Cover Veneers?

While most insurance companies don’t cover cosmetic procedures, sometimes exceptions exist. Given that every health insurance provider is different, we recommend you contact them to confirm your level of cover.

Do The Smile Designer Studio offer payment plans for cosmetic dentistry?

Yes, we do offer Payment Solutions. We have affordable payment plans that can help financially, so speak to our team to work through a plan that suits your needs.

How much tooth is removed for Veneers?

When considering this procedure, one of the primary concerns for many patients is the amount of natural tooth structure that needs removing to accommodate them. Everyone’s needs differ, meaning every treatment goal and outcome is unique. 

Based on the information we gather; we can walk you through all your options and outcomes to achieve the smile you are after. We aim to be as conservative as possible while maintaining the health and structure of your natural teeth.

We typically remove about 0.5 to 0.7 millimetres of the tooth’s front surface with conventional veneers. This depth allows the shell to fit seamlessly without looking or feeling bulky.

Where is your dental clinic located?

Our Melbourne location is 118-120 High Street, Thornbury. We are on the border of Thornbury and South Preston, close to Bell Street, and just a stone’s throw away from surrounding suburbs like Northcote, Brunswick, Preston and Heidelberg.

Dental Veneers E-BOOK Download

*Our comprehensive ebook covers everything you need to know about the Dental Veneers procedure. Get Your Free copy Today.

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Meet the Team

Chats with Dr Dev

Dr Dev Boparoy

Chats with Dr Madeleine

Dr Madeleine Duff

Why Choose The Smile Designer

We have helped numerous people in Melbourne and the surrounding suburbs with our high-quality care and superior service to achieve optimal results. Our dentists take great pride in not only restoring your smile and keeping it healthy, but also educating our patients about their oral health. It is important to us that we create the best foundation in ensuring our patients have full clarity and transparency in understanding their treatment plans.We have invested in state of the art technology to provide you with quality and peace of mind. Cosmetic dentistry has become increasingly popular. Ultimately who doesn’t want a smile that shines with confidence? Being at the forefront of cosmetic dentistry, we combine advanced technology, an artistic eye with extensive experience alongside ethical practice to ensure you are in the most capable and experienced hands. When you choose the Smile Designer, our dental clinic offers renowned dentistry because of the following:



At our dental studio, we are dedicated to providing a superior experience to every patient. We value our patients as if they were part of our own community, and we believe this is evident in the authentic feedback we receive.

Mrs W.Mrs W. ★★★★★ We were travelling and had a small 'emergency'. We walked in this morning and we were seen after filling in paperwork. We could not ask for nicer, sweeter, more comforting people all round. My 10year old can rest easier now and enjoy her time away. I wish we lived closer! Thank you so very much, I'm so very grateful.Vickie N.Vickie N. ★★★★★ Dr Nathan works dental magic! his expertise and attention to detail is fantastic . from the warm welcome to the flawless restoration process of my implant, every step was outstanding. He listened to my concerns, explained everything thoroughly, and ensured my comfort throughout. My my implant crown looks incredibly natural Dr. Nathan even followed up afterward. For excellent dental care, I highly recommend Dr. Nathan !Vee T.Vee T. ★★★★★ Today I had a wonderful experience at my appointment with Dr Gareth. I have been to the dentist many times in my life but still get those nerves going into any appointment. The second I walked in I was greeted by a lovely young lady who was so friendly and welcoming. My time with Dr Gareth was no different and he put me at ease quite quickly and answered all my questions with lots of information and care. Because of this I have decided to take further dental care with The Smile Designer. My experience with Mia after my appointment was warm, engaging, caring and most importantly very informative. Thank you to the team there and I very much look forward to my journey with Dr Gareth and for all my dental needs.ViDominic T.Dominic T. ★★★★★ I’ve been going to Dr. Gareth for 7 years and I had to go for an appointment with another dentist as he was on holiday… and I just don’t get the same standard as Gareth. He has the most gentle hands and always treats every one with respect and my teeth and gums always look so good! Sometimes I book an appointment to clean my teeth even though it’s always sparkling. Thanks for looking after my family and friends for such a long time.Peckham F.Peckham F. ★★★★★ I have seen Dr Gareth several ti.es now and always have received fantastic care. He is very detailed in his approach but won't do any treatment that is not needed, just to charge you. Most recent visit to have my tooth taken out. He knew I had bad experienece with another dentist prior to this, and made sure he was gentle, but at the same time did an amazing (and fast) extraction, talking to me the whole time. Subsequent care was excellent as well, with follow up calls. I would highly recommend the whole practice, and especially Dr Gareth.Jenny Y.Jenny Y. ★★★★★ Dr. Gareth Huang's dental care exceeded expectations during my recent visit to The Smile Designer. His meticulous approach and genuine concern for patient comfort stood out. The clinic's cleanliness and the staff's professionalism further enhanced the experience. I highly recommend Dr. Huang for his exceptional dental care.Elizabeth K.Elizabeth K. ★★★★★ The team at smile designer are so lovely! I had a clean and check up with Dr Nathan and he was super informative and honest with what I required and thorough in explanation throughout!If your looking for a dentist, look no further 🫶🏼Hayley JHayley J ★★★★★ Great experience. Receptionist were friendly and welcoming. I saw Dr.Nathan, and he was excellent. I often feel anxious before/during dental appointments, but Dr. Nathan was great. Most comfortable I've ever felt at a dentist.Josephine A.Josephine A. ★★★★★ I must say I believe I’m lucky that I have met such a wonderful amazing dental team that care so much about you and your teeth. I only wish I had met them so much earlier in my life than now as, they are the only dentist I would trust with my teeth compared to other dentists out there. Dr.Maddie is amazing she truly puts the effort, time and care for your teeth and doesn’t like her work not to be perfect is what I love about her. She really wants her patients to walk out happy. Maggie is so wonderful as well if you can’t make it to an appointment she makes sure you get the next best day or placed on the cute waiting list hehe 😛. Honestly, I don’t feel like I’m going to the dentist when I need to go to a dentist and that the experience we need out there. I would highly recommend this dental team if you want the best work for your teeth and good experience like me 🩷🩷katerina Kkaterina K ★★★★★ This place is so great! The girls at the front desk are so lovely and always check in on me after my appointments. The customer care is above and beyond! Dr. Madeline Duff is the best orthodontist I’ve seen. Her attention to detail is amazing and she always goes through everything so thoroughly. I always walk out of this place learning something new! My Invisalign treatment has been so quick and easy. It’s so nice to find a dentist you can trust. Highly recommend!!Sussan L.Sussan L. ★★★★★ Great team work ! Friendly and helpful from front desk to the treatment room!Highly recommend to anyone who needs dental care will definitely be cared for in the utmost professional level..🙏🙏👍Christie L.Christie L. ★★★★★ Since my dentist retired, I havnt found anyone that felt right until now. I can't speak more highly of Dev and his team. They embrace current best practice and technology. They are kind and wholistic in their approach to Dentistry. Highly recommend.Rob N.Rob N. ★★★★★ I have been a delighted patient of Dr. Madeleine and her incredible team at The Smile Designer since June , 2022, and I cannot express enough how positive and exceptional my experiences have been.From the moment I step into the clinic, the warm and welcoming atmosphere immediately puts me at ease. The reception staff are friendly and efficient.Dr. Madeleine takes the time to thoroughly explain procedures, answering any questions or concerns I may have. Her gentle and compassionate approach makes each visit a pleasant experience.I wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Madeleine and the entire team at The Smile Designer.They are a dream team of dentistry.Taylah A.Taylah A. ★★★★★ I have been going to the smile designer for cosmetic treatment, Gareth is the best dentist and has completely transformed my smile. From an overbite with gaps between my teeth to a perfect smile in only 8 months! Everything was laid out from the start in a treatment plan for gum treatment, Invisalign and composite veneers, with no expectation or pressure to go ahead with the items. Plus the TV to watch friends definitely helps my anxiety for longer visits.The team genuinely care about their patients and have always gone the extra mile to make sure I am feeling confident in my smile. Especially Maggie is such a warm spirit to deal with. I will never miss a check up when going to the smile designer. 5 Stars!Taran S.Taran S. ★★★★★ I had a great experience at the Smile Designer. All the staff were very welcoming and friendly, everyone took the time to say hello.Dr Dev is extremely knowledgeable, takes a holistic approach to dentistry and puts the patient first. His approach was very professional yet personable, taking the time to get to know his patient. He, and the team, were able to make me feel very comfortable throughout.It's clear that the patient's health is the team's primary motivation,. I would highly recommend this practice.Fiona Persi B.Fiona Persi B. ★★★★★ I was highly recommended to visit the Smile Designer clinic and I must say that my experience with the Smile Designer clinic has been exceptionally brilliant. From the very first moment I walked in I was greeted by the wonderful receptionist at the front who was super friendly & attentive. I had a hygiene clean and check up with Dentist Nathan who made me feel very comfortable and explained the process of the treatment in such great detail. I was overall very pleased with the hygiene clean followed by the time Nathan took to sit me down and look over my before and after photos and focus on the treatment plan I have ahead. My next treatment I will be seeing Dev who is also a fabulous dentist to deal with, Dev always puts me at ease and gets the job done so professionally. He has actually cured my anxiety with dentists. Lastly I must add the aesthetics of this clinic are stunning, the cleanliness is terrific and I am glad that I can recommended my family and friends to a terrific team of dentists at the smile designer.js_loader
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Book An Online Appointment Today

Our Preston dental clinic remains open 5 days a week. We offer morning and evening appointments to cater to your busy lifestyle. We invite and welcome all new patients as well existing patients to our state-of-the-art clinic to experience a smile journey like no other.
Our quality dental treatments at an affordable price range will make you love visiting us. For more information on our services and payment plan, Contact us today on (03)9034 5949 or [email protected]. You can also use our online form or our online booking platform to schedule an appointment with us.
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